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Can VoIP phone systems integrate with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools?

We will explain when VoIP phone systems can or can’t integrate with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools. Businesses today have a lot to keep track of. Leads, accounts, projects, staff, taxes, insurance, etc. There’s a ton of tools out there that help us keep track of everyday processes, and when it comes to customers, CRM tools are worth their weight in gold.

Many of our customers want to know if it’s possible to integrate their VoIP phone system into their new or existing CRM tool. The question itself makes a lot of sense, you’re using computers for tracking phone calls and customer interaction, so why wouldn’t the be able to work together?

Unfortunately, the answer isn’t exactly cut and dry. So, let’s talk about CRM tools and VoIP phone systems for a minute to see what’s possible.


Can VoIP phone systems integrate with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools?


Can VoIP phone systems integrate with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools?

The answer is a solid it depends. And, it usually depends on the CRM tool, not the VoIP system.

The easiest way to figure it out is to see if your CRM has the ability to integrate easily with other programs. For example, we specifically integrate with several car dealership CRMs such as Dealersocket, Higher Gear, Car Wars, Reynolds & Reynolds, etc. Car dealers are using the integration to make sure sales staff are making calls when they’re assigned, and for call recording reasons.

We’re seeing law firms use call logs when integrated with CRM tool to automatically bill clients. The call log records data, outputs it to a CRM, which is used to bill clients.

Most CRM software can read a very basic csv file which is used to look at call logs within CRM software. Certain VoIP systems have the ability to output call logs in generic comma separated variable (csv) files, which is readable by virtually any software. So, some CRM programs can read this file, and others can’t. It’s as simple as that.

In some instances, custom designed software is available to integrate with CRM tools. Conversely, some CRM tools cannot integrate with a VoIP phone system at all.

It really all depends on the CRM program you’re using. Your best bet is to either talk to your existing VoIP provider, or whoever you’re considering for a new VoIP system about the CRM tool you’re using, or planning on using. A discussion up front can help you decide on a product before you purchase it, or, before you renew an existing contract.

To learn more about how VoIP phone systems and various CRM program interact, contact us online, shoot me an e-mail directly at, or give me a call on my direct line at 908-378-1201.

By Bill Braunschweiger
VoIP Engineer, Tele-Data Solutions
E-mail: | Direct Line: (908) 378-1201
When I’m not helping my TDS customers keep their systems up and running at 110 percent, I like to stay active. I really enjoy playing hockey and experiencing the great outdoors while mountain biking. I have a wonderful family, I’ve been married for two years, I have a great six-year-old son named Nathan, and I have a wheaten terrier.

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